Wednesday, November 18, 2009


The proverb says, what you sow is what you reap.Everyone of us has a gifted talent. This talent is given by God for us to use in a good ways.And for us to live and walk here on earth better. But you cannot avoid some jealousy will come in.When you are about to climb on the top, they will find means to grab you down to the ground. Sometimes i questioned myself, of how the people live about it. Their heart is full of jealousy and competition. Why not using their own ability and put it to work? This is a free country. Don not be a crabby. Even your closest kin will get jealous with you. I was reading a newspaper about this guy who have lots of accomplishments. He is now famed in the whole world. He was from nothing, he dreamed that oneday, he can give his family a financial stability.What i really liked him so much is his devotion and faith. He believed that with out our creator, he is nothing. One guy commented, no one can help him with this, but he was wrong.I watched and followed his actions from the starts until the end. He never forget to kneel back and say " THANKED YOU LORD" for what you did to me. I was so happy, because his endeavor is dedicated to all who are needy. I guess he is one of the instruments to make other dreams in reality. My opinion is "if you put hard effort on everything you do" God will be there to help you. Because He knew your good intentions.

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