Wednesday, February 17, 2010



This disease is common to people ages 40 and older. A presence of DIVERTICULA, which are small outpouchings on the wall of our colon. No symptoms notice unless inflammations and infections occur. The infection is called diverticulitis. Which you experience alternate constipation and diarrhea as well as mild cramping abdominal pain at the lower left abdomen. Sometimes,you have a rectal bleeding in a large amount or unnoticeable except through laboratory testing for bowel movement. Causes is probably aging. But exactly the cause is not yet certain. There might be a pressure component because it usually occurs in the lower area where pressure is normally present. It is not too much of a problem 20% to 25% of people who have this disease. It is not contagious. You can avoid this by eating light food to soften your stool,that no need pressure. If there is an acute inflammation or other complications, a surgery is recommended,to remove the diverticula. Prevention is necessary by eating the right kind of food for a diet. There is also a Diverticular disease which is on our ESOPHAGUS. The symptoms would be, when you experienced difficulty in swallowing food, feeling fullness and pain in chest, regurgitation and bad breath, night cough and pneumonia(because you inhaled the food in the pouch). One cause is you have a diverticula since birth. And it will become bigger in size as you age. In most cases diverticula esophagus can be located high in the neck. You can noticed the swelling of your neck. As the outpouch is filled up with food, it enlarged and you have a difficulty in swallowing food. And it keeps on increasing the size gradually every year. No treatment recommended but to remove the diverticulum if needed. It is not contagious either. There are different kinds of esophageal diverticulum. But the most severe and hassle one is on the high part of your neck. This is an awareness for us, who experienced pain on different areas of our body. You can distinguish the difference between colon cancer and diverticulosis diseases. I hope this blog would bring much help .. Thank you...for reading this...

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